
張義芳 醫師 馬偕醫院血液腫瘤科 
當癌症病患接受化療和放療,難免會有副作用,如:放射性治療可能會造成局部組織發炎、黏膜潰爛,而化療會有掉髮、噁心 嘔吐、腹瀉等症狀,骨隨造白血球功能績效下降,因而亦受細菌、病毒感染,引發併發症。所以如何正確地補充體內所需養分,在此時更顯重要。

根據馬偕醫院血液腫瘤科主治醫師張義芳醫師表示,通常一般人可透過飲食攝取足夠的麩醯胺酸,不需額外補充。但,當身體出現狀況時,特別是癌症患者, 因接受治療造成口腔黏膜潰瘍時,因疼痛難耐而無法進食,或者因過度腹瀉降低養份吸收效能,人體無法透過飲食獲得充足的養分,就需要透過其他方式,已獲得人 體所需大量的麩醯胺酸。




麩醯胺酸是種很好的營養食品連專業醫生都肯定與推荐 , 然而眾所不知 , 目前坊間賣的大都是合成的左旋-麩醯胺酸(L-Glutamine) , 而非天然的麩醯胺胜肽Glutamine Peptides , 所以為了健康還是盡量選天然的比較好 .
美安「先進纖維粉」本產品中含有天然的L-Glutamine  1,000 mg
High-protein foods including meat, fish, beans, and dairy products are excellent sources of glutamine.  L-glutamine is an amino acid derived from another amino acid, glutamic acid. Glutamine is a restorative amino acid that is used by the GI tract as its source of fuel.  Pharmaceutical companies sell it as a medical food for GI healing.  Glutamine plays a part in the health of the immune system, digestive tract, and muscle cells, and other various bodily functions.  Heavy exercise, infection, surgery, and trauma can deplete the body's glutamine reserves, particularly in muscle cells.

Due to the fact that the cells of the intestine use glutamine for fuel, the supplement has been tried as a treatment for various digestive conditions.  It has been tested for usage in reducing diarrhea and symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, otherwise known as IBS.  Also, glutamine has been suggested to possibly help in the treatment of diseases that affect the small intestine.  Glutamine also helps to reduce leakage through the intestinal wall.  Thus, glutamine has been proposed as a treatment for food allergies as in leaky gut syndrome. 
